Sparrow is an Australian story, a one-woman show that is a tender and quiet reflection on loneliness, and disability, and gender. Mollie was a nurse and writer, famously collaborating with the great author, D.H. Lawrence on a novel. The Boy in the Bush, considered the great novel of Australia, was the result of this collaboration.
As a child, Skinner developed an ulcerated cornea and as part of her treatment spent nearly five years in a darkened room. Later, with her vision restored, she went on to write poetry and novels, one of which is a collaboration with DH Lawrence. Born with a cleft lip, Skinner felt herself an outcast and spent much of her life yearning for love.
Performed by Kylie Maree, a multi award nominated actress in Perth. Susie Conte is a writer and director. Together they run Tempest Theatre, a female based theatre company in Perth, which allows them to make stories for and about women.