
Divorce: The Hip-Hop Musical

musicals and operas · Good Shows · Ages 13+ · United States of America

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divorce: the hip-hop musical


June 06, 2017 certified reviewer
tagged as: smart · unique · hilarious · fast paced

What I liked

The well cast and talented actors, the smart writing of both scenes and songs.

What I didn't like

There was nothing I didn’t like.

My overall impression

This is a very well written and directed show. The sequence and length of scenes and songs result in a truly professional pace, which I find to be rare in new, original shows. I loved the cleverness of the whole thing, and the smart, comic writing that actually made me laugh every time it was supposed to. The performances are very good across the board. This show is full of fun surprises from the get-go. Well worth buying a ticket and seeing it.

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divorce: the hip-hop musical