
Let's Start Talking: A Conversation on Diversity in Theatre

events & workshops · BLJ Productions & The LA Theatre Diversity Initiative · Ages 14+ · United States of America

About the Project

There are many voices to be heard in our theatre community here in LA.

Is there a way to have them all included? Yes. Let’s start with talking about the issues and game planning solutions.

Present issues today in LA Theatre:
-Very few minority theatre companies.
-All white cast on stages during an entire theatre season.
-Underrepresented woman playwrights being produced.
-Very few Black, Asian, Chicano, Latino, Jewish & many other diverse populations stories are being produced.
-Very few minority directors, actors, and technicians work at local theatre companies.
-Hollywood Fringe Festival has very few minority artist who produce year after year, quality productions.

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran

let's start talking: a conversation on diversity in theatre