This show was a deep look into the the unusual, thought-provoking stories that make up one woman’s surprising life. Some are laugh-out-loud funny and some are gut-wrenching – all are intriguing to say the least. This is one of those provocative shows that gets you talking afterwards about so many issues that affect us, young – old – male – female – there’s something here to relate to for pretty much anyone. I found myself saying to myself “I GET this voice” over and over again. A pretty powerful, absorbing, hour well-spent.
What I didn't like
Some of the pieces are stronger than others. It’s an inside-look at a very personal journey so come prepared to be gripped by the need to discuss things it may bring up for you.
My overall impression
Girls Together Always urges one to genuinely think, persuades one to examine, and compels one to take a look at your own life’s travels and travails while taking you along on an engaging, sometimes disturbing, and often very amusing, insider trip to everywhere. And I mean Everywhere!