
Cold Tangerines

Little Candle Productions · Ages 8+ · United States of America

family friendly
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MIKE OSTROSKI uncertified reviewer June 06, 2016
Put this show at the top of your Fringe must see list! Great for all ages, too! :)... full review
MARC FORGET uncertified reviewer June 06, 2016
Such a relatable, fun, touching, well directed show!... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 06, 2016
Amazing show! Witty, extremely strong dialogue, great performances. Must see!... full review
DONOVAN GLOVER uncertified reviewer June 09, 2016
A joyful, inventive, and thought-proving work. Sets the bar high for all Fringe theatre.... full review
BRINDY ROOSA certified reviewer June 09, 2016
Loved it!!!! I bought the book too and can't wait to read it. Congrats on a wonderful play.... full review
AMY ROMBERGER certified reviewer June 13, 2016
I would see this play 10 more times if I could!... full review
KIRSTEN DAY certified reviewer June 13, 2016
This piece is full of HEART. Lynn Downey shines as the star of this true to life, heart warming play. A must see in the Hollywood Fringe this year!... full review
IAN FEDERGREEN certified reviewer June 14, 2016
This show was adapted from (what I assume is) a religious-themed self-help book. That said, it is so well-crafted and well-performed, even those who wouldn't touch the book should find something to enjoy here. Lynn Downey Braswell, who also adapted, is an incredibly winning performer. She relates her story (learning to calm the voices in your head, be happy with what you've got, etcccccccc....) with warmth, energy and deeply felt emotion. She is helped immeasurably by a trio of talented women (playing aspects of her/ everyone else) and smart, precise direction. Braswell deserves credit for her adaptation, too (from Shauna Niequist) which is often funny and always well written. ... full review
DAVID MACDOWELL BLUE uncertified reviewer June 15, 2016
My review: QUOTE: "The implied premise here--one I applaud with all the power of my soul--remains that no such thing exists. Our value and our uniqueness may be questioned, alas nearly always is (and when you look at those who never question it, that might not be a bad thing), but remains a truth we should embrace every singe day."... full review
HELENA COSENTINO uncertified reviewer June 17, 2016
tagged as: #funny · #full of energy · #heartfelt
Great show! Funny! Fun! Go see it. You will love it. I laughed throughout the show and was so impressed with the talent on stage. ... full review
cold tangerines