
Cold Tangerines

Little Candle Productions · Ages 8+ · United States of America

family friendly
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cold tangerines


June 20, 2016 certified reviewer

What I liked

Very heartfelt and human show at the Fringe festival. That is probably the boldest and most revolutionary thing you could do among so many hyper-sexualized, off-the-wall and irreverent pieces to choose from. It’s good to be reminded that theater also addresses the everyday micro-moments of existential despair and helps us to feel less alone. We don’t necessarily need tales of sword-fighting wannabe kings and volatile Southern alcoholics caught in the midst or torrid affairs to feel profoundly moved by a piece of theater.

What I didn't like


My overall impression

This is a beautifully relatable and moving piece of theater with great performances and physical movement. It’s probably one of the better pieces at the Fringe to reflect real life experiences and how suffering is relative, but we’re no less human or more trivial for experiencing or surviving our own personal trials and tribulations.

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cold tangerines