The entire ensemble flowed like a well oiled machine. The pacing was quick and consistent, yet doesn’t blow by. It pauses at just the right times for you to laugh or think (or both.)
Lynn Downey Braswell lived in every word. She acted in every syllable and silence. She was in the moment throughout and took us on a well-rounded roller coaster of outlandishly fun fantasies, thought-provoking slices of life, and brave moments of candid honesty. Her performance was charming, consistent, and thoroughly engaging. Top notch.
It’s hard to distinguish what moments are a credit to the writing and what was created by the director, so I will just credit them both here. Using the three ensemble actors as a personal Shauna “chorus” was applied brilliantly. This device seemed created for this play. Some of their best moments were in the group fantasies such as the “self doubt game show” and the “Miss America weight celebration.” From the props used (Karissa McKinney) and the swift and breezy staging to the sound choices (Andrew Villaverde) and poignant soft lighting, the technical elements were second to none.
And speaking of technical, this play would have lost a lot of key moments if not for the professional timing of stage manager Erica Lawrence on the board. The sound cues in particular need to be placed at just the right moments to have the right affect and keep the pace of the show going, and Erica was on top of every one.
What I didn't like
DNA = Does Not Apply
My overall impression
Tight and specific direction, funny and fast-paced script, and four incredibly talented women captained by the sensational Lynn Downey, this production should be in a “how-to” video demonstration of how to produce a Fringe show. This one checks all the boxes.