This show features classic magic routines, lots of clever comedic moments, and moved at a very quick pace! It’s rare to see a silent act, and this offering is mainly comprised of physical comedy, magic, and manipulation. It’s refreshing to see something strictly analogue these days. Above all, at a time when most folks are inundated with cynicism, vulgarity and cheap laughs at somebody else’s expense, Nick Paul has the courage and class to carry on the fine traditions of clowning, legerdemain and old fashioned vaudeville. Hats off to you, Mr. Paul. (And yes, I mean a proper hat — like a bowler!)
What I didn't like
If you take the time to read the title of the show, then you know what you’re in for. There’s nothing to “not like” about this show, and it all goes at a very quick clip. It’s silent magic and mime, with some mind reading thrown in. So if you’re seeking deep, edgy or rough theatre, then you might wish to expand your search. Remember, not every artist is trying to change the world — some prefer to marvel at it. Lighten up, have a little fun.
My overall impression
Whimsical, delightful, surprising — and all in good taste!