
U and Me and My Best Friend P

solo performance · Abby · Ages 8+ · United States of America

family friendly one person show world premiere
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u and me and my best friend p

Review by PETER HESS

June 26, 2015 certified reviewer

My overall impression

I was glad that I ordered a ticket in advance because the small room was packed. I guess the word is getting out about Abby Schachner. I saw last year’s “Schachner vs. Schachner” and liked it a lot. Abby’s talent as a writer and performer was so apparent. Now, having seen “U and Me and My Best Friend P,” I think she has a kind of genius (and I don’t throw around the g word).

I mean, who does this and makes it work? These sort of humor-laced fairytale poems. But they are so well-crafted that they seem like they have always been lying around just waiting to be picked up. The place was rocking with laughter from the outset. And then, once or twice, from nowhere, a little misty-eyed moment.

So. Well-written: check. Fabulous lithe and lively performance that pulls you in: check. Funny, funky Abby-made props that add a little seasoning: check.

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u and me and my best friend p