No Traveler: A Comedy About Suicide

solo performance · penny pollak · Ages 12+ · United States of America

one person show
  • 5 stars)
    “Now THIS is Fringe theatre. Written and acted by New York’s wild-eyed, wild-haired Penny Pollak, this dark, edgy one-woman show focuses on a troubled young woman who, in a wine-induced fit of despair, decides to slash her wrists with a straight-razor. Her cry for attention is a little too successful, and she wakes up in a puke-filled bucket in purgatory. Her way out? Stop at least one self-destructive woman from the same fate. Heavy stuff, to be sure, but No Traveler is indeed a comedy about suicide, filled with macabre humour that Pollak delivers flawlessly. Pollak is also a gifted physical performer who often says more with her body than she does with her mouth, and she was absolutely thrilling to watch. And with a script and story so strong, it’s no wonder No Traveler is being adapted into a feature-length film by acclaimed American History X director Tony Kaye.”

“Pollak flings herself around the tiny stage, eyes gleaming, hair flying. She creates each character totally a clever piece of theatre by an impressive performer, the kind of show that the Fringe should be about.”
-Kate Copstick THE SCOTSMAN

“Part Marx Brothers, Part Charlie Chaplin, Part I Love Lucy!”
-Tony Kaye (Dir of American History X)

“Ms. Pollak brings a physicality to her roles that make her captivating to watch; she has amazing energy and vulnerability at the same time which coats each one of her characters with a layer of authenticity that reverberated throughout her performance.”
-Karen Tortora-Lee, The Happiest Medium

“A real pleasure to watch, she flits and flings herself around the stage, an anarchic rock chick with intense focus, wild eyes and a wide emotional range. There’d be worse ways to spend eternity than watching this charismatic, confident performer.”
-Edinburgh Three Weeks in Review

“New York’s Penny Pollak, with her intense eyes and wild mane, is a charismatic and very physical performer.”
-Winnipeg Free Press Review


Production Team

* Fringe Veteran