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great cast
must see
worth seeing
ensemble theatre
one act
two person
certified reviewer
June 06, 2015
Amazing is not a big enough word to describe this experience. The actors created scene after scene with nothing more than their voices. And you go with them to every place they create. By the end of the play I felt exhausted! A must see again kind of experience! Loved it....
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uncertified reviewer
June 08, 2015
tagged as:
show ·
play ·
fringe2015 ·
MariaTomas ·
Hollywood Fringe Fest ·
PhredericSemaj ·
Blood, a Voodoo Love Story, takes us through both the tumultuous and the passionate sides of love...the multi talented actors Maria Tomas and Phrederic Semaj seamlessly bounce and spiral off of each other's emotions and take us into worlds of love, through misunderstanding, communication, and a bit of coaxing from the otherside. Speaking at least 3 or 4 dialects each, the two actors amazingly create an entire world with only themselves, and two red chairs. No other props, but nothing is missing; the stage is filled with a passion that will stay with you. Recommended! Go see it!...
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certified reviewer
June 15, 2015
One of my favorite shows of the Fringe for sure: a tight little gem of powerhouse acting and a script so raw and pithy the hour zooms by in a flash and leaves you reeling. I've never seen such creative exploration of insatiable female sexuality, kink and the difficulty of maintaining that spark that inevitably fizzles with monogamous commitment. This show takes it to the nth degree of an actual tangible monster, which is performed in flawless, effective unison by the players for an incredible dramatic effect. The script is impressive, veering between the abstract poetic and the comically realistic, and the performers handle its twists and turns masterfully well. Their chemistry is tangible, and the show is sure to get your blood pumping. Def...
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uncertified reviewer
June 09, 2015
BLOOD... Is a very good stage piece & it had me captivated the entire time... The 2 actors were very much in sync the whole time... They have Great chemistry on stage... BLOOD had alot of great moments that took the audience on a rollercoaster of emotions as this story is told... I am pretty sure whoever attends this play will be very satisfied & entertained from the beginning to the end... The writer/director did a great job... If you really enjoy great theater, then "BLOOD" is a must see...!!
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certified reviewer
June 09, 2015
tagged as:
Must See ·
Blood, A Voodoo Love Story is a spellbinding, enthralling two person show. I absolutely LOVED it! I recently saw it for a second time, and enjoyed it as much, if not more!
The performances of Maria Tomas and Phrederic Semaj are truly captivating. Their performance chemistry is fantastic; especially in the scene where they speak in unison as another character. I found myself exhausted by the end, as I was so swept up in the story.
In my opinion, this is a "Must See"!!...
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certified reviewer
June 08, 2015
Blood is Michael Philip Edwards' brilliant vision of the sexual politics that manifest between lust and love, man and woman. Magnificently portrayed by Maria Tomas and Phrederic Semaj, both actors offer a provocative and heady glimpse into the mechanics of the hearts and loins of two star crossed lover's who must navigate the perils of an uninvited succubus into their union. Semaj skillfully interprets the wide eyed groom, disillusioned by sex in the modern age, who must come to terms with his own hubris to rescue his failing marriage. Playing opposite is Tomas' masterfully played cynical bride, who counters her own disillusionment with pluck and wit.
Blood is a definite game changer for the Fringe Festival. Highly recommended.
Do no...
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certified reviewer
June 09, 2015
I had the chance to see Blood, A Voodoo Love Story recently. And the first thing I want to say is that I want to see it again! I was enthralled from the beginning of the story. The story of how the two met and the entire sequence of their relationship was captivating. Especially when they spoke in unison as the third person in the story. It almost felt as if there really was another cast member. I say I want to see it again because next time I will be in the second or first row! ...
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uncertified reviewer
June 10, 2015
tagged as:
fringe2015 ·
Great Acting ·
Great Directing ·
two person ·
one act ·
Worth seeing
I seen it twice and it was pleasantly shocked to find it even sexier & more intense than in last time. Under Michael Phillip Edwards's awesome direction, MariaTomas & PhredericSemaj continue to build on Blood's eerie, erotically charged journey from beginning to it's climatic ending. I was completely mesmerized by both actors's performances. By the final scene, I found myself wanting more, feeling just as insatiable as the spirit that haunted them. Incredibly entertaining & spooky as hell😱...
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uncertified reviewer
June 13, 2015
tagged as:
Hot ·
brilliant ·
Michael Phillip Edwards ·
Maria Tomas ·
Frederic Semaj ·
primal possession
Do you like it hot? Crazy for passion? Do you crave a ride where your brain is plugged into a world that whispers into your veins to open up or you, too, will die? BLOOD, A VOODOO LOVE STORY is all that. Penned by the prolific creative hyphenate Michael Phillip Edwards, BLOOD, strikes a match to our ideals of love, marriage, and contracts we make to keep it up -- the dream, that is. Here, opposites are attracting or repelling depending upon the humid, boiling truths and primal magnetics seared under their skin, propelling us into a fresh sway of love story. In a world so easy with the shake off, here, commitment isn't even or question for us. Or is it? Maria Tomas and Phrederic Semaj are utterly and brilliantly possessed by their charact...
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certified reviewer
June 19, 2015
A wonderfully written and directed piece by Michael Phillip Edwards facilitates truly terrific performances by two talented, trained, and highly connected actors. The experience of being in the theater while Maria Tomas and Phredric Semaj perform is transcendent and magical. They fly off the stage and soar with heated passion and absolute conviction. This is what acting and theater is all about. No Joke. Go now....
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