
Joy Juice-A young man's story of chemo,cancer & good fortune

solo performance · PMDJ · Ages 13+ · United States of America

family friendly one person show

About the Project

The day I walked out the door for my first round of chemotherapy, I said to my parents, “Time for my Joy Juice!” Today Joy Juice is the name of my memoir, one person show, screenplay and foundation which provides fashion makeovers to teens with cancer which is what I did to lift my spirits while undergoing chemo. Joy Juice is an honest, emotional and funny portrayal of a teenager and his family’s journey with cancer. If you’ve ever known someone going through cancer, this is a must see. Be prepared to cry, laugh out loud and get inspired. From Danny’s refreshing view on being a Fortunate as opposed to a survivor to seeing his foundation in action, you will leave being a fan of all things Joy Juice!
Learn More at JoyJuiceInc.Org

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran

joy juice-a young man's story of chemo,cancer & good fortune