
Love Is.

ensemble theatre · Bad Back Productions · Ages 14+ · United Kingdom

world premiere
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MATT RICHTER uncertified reviewer June 24, 2014
Love Is is a solid effort. I felt that the performances were stronger than the material, which is an unusual surprise. The acting is really top notch, across the board. My biggest issues with it were strictly plot and script related, which, with some fine tuning, will result in a real must-see piece of theatre. It's worth seeing this time around strictly for the performances. It truly features some of the finest acting I've seen in this festival. ... full review
KATHERINE BROWN uncertified reviewer June 23, 2014
tagged as: drama · Love · Relationships
As just about all reviews have pointed out this show was amazing. A very entertaining and engrossing story line, exceptional acting and spot on directing. The raw emotion emotion and energy really pulled you into the play. My boyfriend and I both found this a more worthy endeavor and better entertainment than the vast majority of Hollywood movies. I've never addressed somebody's review in one of my posts whatever format that may in because a person's opinion is just that. However I feel it's necessary to address the comments of Boston M. as he was apparently was in another theater last night. His comments were mean-spirited, one-sided and lacked any objectivity. Furthermore, he made a big deal about the writer and director being o... full review
MATTHEW SCRUGGS certified reviewer June 15, 2014
tagged as: riveting · Raw · Realistic
Love is ... incredibly moving and emotional. Saw this yesterday with my wife. The realism of the writing and quality of the acting is remarkable. She says: Riveting, Raw and Realistic...Should be a movie. Although not a crier, I was moved to tears as well as most of the audience. Would like to see again but don't know if I could handle the emotion. You know a play is good when you talk about it for hours afterwards. Outstanding! He says: Molly Beucher and Lee Turnbell deliver the dramatic goods. The story is told in the best tradition and irony of the classic short stories of all time. Jaw dropping. Hang on to your play bill and follow this ensemble and crew...they are going places! Great theater ... we cannot stop talk... full review
CHARLINE SU certified reviewer June 17, 2014
A superb script brought to life by a first rate cast. An intricate and heartbreaking portrayal of just how powerful love can be.... full review
HANNAH MILES uncertified reviewer June 15, 2014
tagged as: Beyond Impressive!
Saw Love Is yesterday and am still reeling. I think the mark of a successful play is one that keeps you thinking, feeling and discussing long after its finished. This play has achieved this. The entire cast of this play was incredible! The leads, Molly and Lee are two to watch! The ability of these two to deliver gut wrenching emotion is unparalleled in my personal (and very unprofessional) opinion. At several points during this play I found myself biting my lip, trying to hold back tears. By the end, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. I honestly don't know how these two young actors are able to bring themselves emotionally to a place where this reaches us night after night, but they do and then some. Thank you cast of "L... full review
PAM PORCARO certified reviewer June 16, 2014
What I liked about the play was that there was a mirror held up as to where western culture is now in terms of relationships and how twisted things have become in terms of treating people like objects that are simply there to fulfill our idealistic desires or wish lists, as if picking a partner was an exercise in shopping. This was a commentary on how deep materialism has gone into our psyches, to the point of the objectifying of people as objects to be disposed of if they do not fulfill our deluded wishes. To me it was a commentary on how far away we have gotten from true love in our culture. It was also a commentary on rampant narcissism, and unrealistic expectations that cause needless suffering, and the inability to see and enjoy ... full review
DJ DONNELLEY certified reviewer June 09, 2014
Love Is... AMAZING! I was pulled in by it's subtle flyer- the loving couple together, with their shadows walking away from each other- a hint that there just might be more to this play than what was on the surface... At least, that's what I hoped for. This play delivered! A powerful story of a couple's attempt at starting a family, 'Love Is.' examines the perception of "the perfect couple," and asks hard questions about what it means to be a family, what a person is willing to sacrifice, and most importantly what love means to each of us. Powerhouse performances from both leads; American Molly Rose, and British actor Lee Turnbull, are not to be missed! Supporting cast is charming and grounded, and fill in this world very nicely... full review
DANIEL JOHNSON certified reviewer June 25, 2014
While Lee loves Emily more than anything else in the world, Emily has one thing she loves more than Lee: the idea of having a biological baby. When Lee’s low sperm count makes the chances of them conceiving nearly impossible, Emily must choose between Lee or trying to create a family the way she always envisioned it. (Adoption isn’t an option, as Emily never felt her adoptive mother’s love.) Lee Turnbull wrote, directed, and stars in Love Is, and he is admirably accomplished at all three.... Please read the rest of the review at <a href="">Cinesnatch</a>... full review
NEIL MONACO uncertified reviewer June 14, 2014
Lee Turnbull's Love not to be missed! It has been a long time since I have been so moved by performances so raw and real. It felt as if I were spying on real people going through real issues before my eyes - a rare thing in LA theatre. This play is only about an hour long and in that short time it packs quite an emotional punch. The script is lean and realistic, capturing both the mundane moments and the gut wrenching emotion of a couple in crisis and the directing serves the script and actors well. Scenes move briskly through several changes and the actors, who also serve as crew, jostle furniture and props about to seamlessly create various playing areas. What stands out most is the acting. Lee Turnbull is remarkably com... full review
LEILA KUENZLE certified reviewer June 14, 2014
Just got back from seeing this intense, fantastic, raw and emotionally intelligent play. So excited to see such a rare live event that brought the audience first to tears and finally to their feet!! Run to see it! Don't stop. Go with friends and loved ones and plan to talk long into the night after. The casts performances are so real that a few times I turned away feeling embarrassed that I would be caught spying. Molly and lee are "crazy" good. The rest of the ensemble fall right in line. Go! Go! Go" ... full review
love is.