52 Pick Up

ensemble theatre · acting 4 camera · Ages 15+ · Canada

family friendly

A pair of actors offer a unique deck of playing cards to the audience to shuffle. Why unique? Each card has a scene title on it, with 52 pre-written scenes spelling out a love story from beginning to end. The first card is turned over, and the story begins.

But what comes next, no-one knows…

With the actors slipping seamlessly into the non-linnear narrative of their relationship, it is impossible to know what the next scene will be. Will it begin at the beginning, or at the end of their relationship? Will it be followed by their first date or their last argument? With a kiss or a slap?

Performed to sold out houses at festivals around the world, 52 Pick Up (by Rita Bozi & TJ Dawe) never fails to be an audience favourite, and the cast is as surprised as the audience at what may come next.

Add to the unpredictability of scene order a revolving cast of actors to mix-and-match the two characters, and you have an evening of impossible-to-predict chronology and relationship dynamics. In fact, you could live to be a thousand years old, watching a performance of this play every second of your lifetime and not even make a dent in the number of possible permutations.

Want a hilarious, touching, mind-bending night out? 52 Pick Up is it.

Learn More at tinyurl.com/l8bpllh

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran