Tales of a Jaguar Magician are theatrical adaptations from a series of books recently published: Flight of the Jaguar Magician, Marriage of the Moon & Jaguar. A quick overvew, the books are a presentation of characters and mythos that surround themselves with a new frame story for unification of the genders (it’s ok to be gay…tranny or adrogynous, and be magical). Hence with jaguars, butterflies, divas and more a solitary magician is initiated into wisdom and healing to take to the Planet of Great Consciousness (earth) to awaken more 2-spirits and jaguar magicians, thus inviting in more of the spirit of wonder, curiousity and beauty…to avoid the spell of doom. The story can be adapted to various lengths as i pull out specific characters to illumine tasks and talents that can help heal the wounded imaginations on Gaia.
it’s a sassy cluster of narratives, whimsical, deep, funny, thought provoking. I bring to the stage a variey of masks (some call puppets), yet i prefer to be called a Masquetier…. Along with experimental videography, movement, song, tricks of the mind…