Bob Gebert has deftly woven his love for magic and acting into “Demystifying Magic,” a story about second generation magician Richard Ryder reflecting on his life and career on the eve of his retirement. The magic tricks, sprinkled throughout the show, are savory treats as we get to see Gebert, the magician, ply his craft while playfully interacting with his audience with the ease of a veteran performer. But “Demystifying Magic” is more than just magic tricks. It’s a story of love – personal and professional – spanning a lifetime, which Gebert, the actor, skillfully portrays from enthusiastic five-year-old, to dapper cereal pitchman, to pensive sage. Look for Ryder’s description (in his testimony before the House Un-American Activities Committee) of his joy in fascinating his audience as insight to Gebert, who delights in sharing with us his love of magic and acting through this entertaining and touching story.