The word brave has become a cliche, it is borderline condescending. However, the courage displayed on stage is undeniable. This show is brave. Liza shares her most devastating life events, and she does so with humor and grace. She is a superhero. I think projectors, for whatever reason, are way overused in indie theater. But the use of it in this show was perfect. Liza plays multiple characters and utilizes technology in a way that felt fresh. See this show, see this show, SEETHISSHOW.
What I didn't like
There’s 3 shows left. They could sell out. Buy tickets! You can be in the audience if you buy tickets!
My overall impression
Supernova a beautifully human story of grief and resilience. Liza Dealey-Thomason is an artist to watch. It’s difficult even write about this show as a performance, yet as a performance it is truly remarkable. The vulnerability shown by this woman is extraordinary. Also, she’s an incredibly talented singer. Her voice is urgent, powerful and relentless. I cannot recommend this show enough. Supernova is a cosmic event. Ironically, a supernova is the death of a star. The show Supernova is the birth of a star. Witness a bright shining light bursting from the heart of an indisputable diva.