

Solo Show · Angelique Calvillo · Ages 13+ · United States of America

Content Warning one person show world premiere
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June 21, 2024 certified reviewer

What I liked

I loved the set design and projector components of her show. I often find projections to be tough to work with, but Angelique found a way to utilize them that was strong, heartfelt, and enjoyable. The music is the star of this show. Her tone is gorgeous and the producing of each track was so deliberate and catchy. This show feels like I’m watching a documentary of my favorite artist’s journey through the making of an album.

What I didn't like

If this show is lengthened, I would love to see Angelique expand further on the inspiration for these songs. She did a lovely job of giving us a taste in the show, and I found myself choked up at multiple times. I’d love to sit in the feels longer and connect with her personal journey even more because I found the themes she talked about very relevant as someone trying to make it in this industry. Great job Angelique!

My overall impression

Talk about a visual album! Fairytales is a magnificent representation of Angelique’s album that reminds us of what it means to dream and the power of doing so. It’s a slice of life that leaves me wanting more! While only 30 minutes, I thoroughly enjoyed being whisked away to the whimsical concepts of my childhood that hold a special place in my heart.

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