JAN 2025
The Hollywood Fringe’s Handy Guide to Choosing Your Category
by ellen boudreau-den herder
The Hollywood Fringe would never try to put a label on you, the artist. You are free to be. But your show? You’ve gotta categorize that, and we’re here to help. You can register your show in any category you wish, but try to match what area best represents your show!
Here are some things to think about as you choose your category.
1. Awards: the category you choose will be the category you are voted in. The top-voted show in each category receives a “best of” award.
2. Marketing: Your show will appear in your chosen category in the guide.
Your show may fit into multiple categories; choose the one you believe fits your show best! You can change your category up until the printed guide deadline on April 15th!
Cabaret + Burlesque: Cabarets are not quite full musicals but use music as a storytelling device. Same thing for burlesque, but on the dance side of things! Each is often high glamour and raucous fun.
Clown and Alternative Comedy: These are styles of comedy that make a conscious break with the mainstream comedic style. For more traditional improv, sketch, and stand-up shows, consider choosing “Comedy & Variety Acts” below.
Comedic Theatre: A more traditional (can still have experimental elements) play that leans funny.
Comedy + Variety Acts: Stand-up, improv, sketch + other variety acts like magic, sideshow, live podcasts, talk-shows and more!
Dance + Physical Theatre: These shows are movement-based! Whether you are tango-ing, tap dancing, tumbling, trapezing, or juggling, this storytelling performance is all about getting physical to tell your story.
Dramatic Theatre: If you have a dramatic piece of theatre told through a more classic theatre lens this category is for you. These shows traditionally will follow a more structured narrative displaying more dramatic themes even if they display comedic moments.
Events + Workshops: The Hollywood Fringe Festival is also a time to share that knowledge! This is the perfect category for you if you have a workshop to teach some theatre practices or host an event you think would benefit the Fringe Community. This category is not up for awards at the end of the festival.
Immersive + Games: More than breaking the fourth wall, these performances have audience agency at the core of their experiences.
Musicals & Operas: These are storytelling works set to music, often performed by live singers and/or instrumentalists.
Solo Theatre: The one-person show has a long legacy in theatre and at the Fringe! Traditionally, a solo show takes us on a defined narrative arc featuring one performer. Just because you are a solo performer, that does not mean you must choose this category.