FEB 2022

Fringe Sample Budgets


During our Budgeting & Fundraising Workshop, we talk a lot about where and when to spend your dollars when producing a Fringe show. The overall consensus was that there are no hard and fast rules— that you need to do what’s best for you, your production and most importantly, your story.

Here are a few sample budgets from very different productions. When using these budgets, don’t forget to count for a little inflation (2-3% per year).
We hope this helps! 
This budget is comprehensive of a 7 show musical run with paid actors and musicians. Since there was such a large cast and crew, there was a need for paid rehearsal space for 50 hours. This is the dream budget, and one that came from many years of producing.
With ticket sales alone, even with sold out houses, there was no way this would break even, so this producer did a lot of self-fundraising and paid out of pocket.
This is a more realistic budget for many new producers, with a 5-performance run. You would rehearse mostly in free space until April/May, and then spend a little to do some more realistic blocking in a full rehearsal space.
This is a solo project (5 performances) that was not only launching at Hollywood Fringe, but had plans to tour afterwards and needed the support to realistically bring it to the next stage. Since this is a prospective budget, there was no plans for how to make the money back in the budget itself, but the plan was ticket sales + crowdfunding.
This is a budget that you can use to begin your Fringe journey.