
Take Me As I Am: A Joni Mitchell Tribute

Rainee Blake · Ages 21+ · Australia

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take me as i am: a joni mitchell tribute
SHARI BARRETT broadway world la, culver city news certified reviewer June 22, 2023
tagged as: Relaxing · entertaining · folk singer · musician · solo
Rainee Blake's portrayal of Joni Mitchell was amazing in its authenticity and offered a quiet respite from the craziness that is Fringe. It was like stepping back in time, entering a small club on the Sunset Strip below Laurel Canyon where Joni called home. A totally relaxing way to enjoy a drink and experience what the folk singers of the 60s were really like. ... full review
take me as i am: a joni mitchell tribute
RICHARD LUCAS certified reviewer June 12, 2023
This performance blew me away. Though set in 1976, Rainee Blake’s tribute to Joni Mitchell is timeless. With an elegantly simple staging and costumed in perfectly rendered blonde hair and a beautiful long blue velvet dress, Blake’s show doesn’t depend on in your face ’70s nostalgia. As a result, nothing distracts from the music, the songwriting, and all of the emotions within. This is not a biographical show where we learn all the details of Mitchell’s life and career, though, through sweetly brief story vignettes (done so well as to seem like mere spontaneous vamping while tuning up her next instrument), we do get an impressionistic view of Mitchell's personal life and musical associations and friendships. But it’s quickly back to another ... full review
take me as i am: a joni mitchell tribute
MARY SOLERO uncertified reviewer March 22, 2024
It was like stepping back in time, entering a small club on the Sunset Strip below Laurel Canyon where Joni called home. ... full review
take me as i am: a joni mitchell tribute
MARRYJANE MARRYJANE uncertified reviewer September 03, 2023
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take me as i am: a joni mitchell tribute
ZETISNO ZETISNO uncertified reviewer August 08, 2023
tagged as: geometry dash · paper io · Game
Others simply play to compete with <a href="">paper io</a> other players, while some people prefer to play games for pure entertainment. What about those individuals, though, who dislike competition? those who <a href="">Geometry Dash</a> don't feel under any obligation other than to have fun? For them, there is just one game that is ideal.... full review
take me as i am: a joni mitchell tribute
NANCY BEVERLY certified reviewer July 11, 2023
An amazing performance! I loooooved the show!... full review
take me as i am: a joni mitchell tribute
MICHAEL FRANCO certified reviewer July 11, 2023
There is a reason this show swept the Fringe awards and it deserves every award and accolade it's won. Rainee Blake's portrayal of icon Joni Mitchell is spot on - note perfect from start to finish. I saw Joni Mitchell live when I was a kid, my cool Uncle took me to the show, I think I was 15. It was 1975 and I remember it all. I teared up a few times because when I closed my eyes, I was back there again listening to her doing the songs, the tuning, the stage banter, all of it. Thank you for reminding me why we love Joni Mitchell and in turn love your performance of her. ... full review
take me as i am: a joni mitchell tribute
RHYLAND MCBRIDE uncertified reviewer July 10, 2023
tagged as: magical · musical
The program was detailed, exhaustive, and jam-packed with information throughout its whole. After we had all departed, we discussed our responsibilities within the family as well as how the lives of others had impacted our own <a href="">drift hunters</a>. It is a gorgeous moment, but in my perspective, it lacks the drama that would accompany this diagnosis in the gay community in the 1990s. This is despite the fact that it takes place in the 1990s.... full review
take me as i am: a joni mitchell tribute
CHRIS RAYMOND certified reviewer June 26, 2023
Magical evening with Joni Mitchell! Beautiful evening by Rainee Blake. ... full review
take me as i am: a joni mitchell tribute
CAROL BECKER certified reviewer June 25, 2023
Ever experienced the best toast of your life that is just the right about of golden brown, not burnt at all, has the right amount of crisp and is obviously your favorite bread on the planet? Got the visual image? Good. Now, if you add the best butter in the world to that bread... you'd be pretty darn happy, right? Well, imagine that for you, butter isn't quite enough to add... you need a little something extra, so you go all out and put that jelly or jam on there that was made at a state fair (cuz they have the best jam or jelly on the planet). Now and only now can you eat that toast. And even with this description, it doesn't do justice to the fine "piece of toast" performance that I was treated to last night. It was, by far, the m... full review
take me as i am: a joni mitchell tribute