You may remember Richard playing U2’s Bono in HFF17’s multiple-award-winning BONOANDTHEEDGEWAITINGFORGODOMINO’S, a satire on celebrity culture wrapped in a parody of Samuel Beckett’s WAITINGFORGODOT. He also wrote and directed that play, which was eventually included in’s Best of Los Angeles Theatre 2017 list after its third run in Los Angeles. …WAITINGFORGODOMINO’S has gone on to perform to rave reviews in San Francisco, Las Vegas, Ventura, and San Diego — with more to come.
His first HFF experience was playing Jake in the HFF15 Encore-award-winning drama ONLYTHEMOONHOWLS. He portrayed Frank in HFF18’s Encore-award-winning drama THEIMPORTANCE OF BEINGOSCAR, and Allen in’s Best-Ensemble-award-winning drama BEAUTIFULMONSTERZ at HFF22.
Richard is the author of THEDOGLOG: AN ACCIDENTALMEMOIR OF YAPPINGYORKIES, QUARRELINGNEIGHBORS, ANDTHEUNLIKELYFRIENDSHIPSTHATSAVED MY LIFE, an Amazon #1 Best Seller published by Chicago Review Press, available wherever books are sold.
Richard’s storytelling album, RESIGNTOWN, USAANDOTHERSTORIES is available on iTunes. He was awarded The Other Network’s Comedy Award for his observations about an LA sportscaster‘s penchant for wearing double-breasted suits which is track no. 2 of the 3 in that collection.