

Solo Show · heather tyson · Ages 18+ · United States of America
Betrayal. Boxes. And the road to reclaiming oneself. How a nice, hard-working, Catholic girl from the Midwest lost her entire set of belief systems... and ended up finding herself. Laughter, tears, automotive lingo, and dancing expected.
Betrayal. Boxes. And the road to reclaiming oneself. How a nice, hard-working, Catholic girl from the Midwest lost her entire set of belief systems... and ended up finding herself. Laughter, tears, automotive lingo, and dancing expected.


paper tiger · Ages 14+ · United States of America
The night Stephen plans to propose to Alice, her father Cal shows up ahead of her to talk him out of it. When he gives Stephen a chance to prove himself, things spin wildly out of control. As Stephen tries to tell Alice what's happened, their relationships fatal flaws are brought out in full view.
The night Stephen plans to propose to Alice, her father Cal shows up ahead of her to talk him out of it. When he gives Stephen a chance to prove himself, things spin wildly out of control. As Stephen tries to tell Alice what's happened, their relationships fatal flaws are brought out in full view.


Comedy · nick pupo · Ages 18+ · United States of America
Nick explores his turbulent relationship with drugs with clever wit and dark sincerity. Now 14 years clean of opiates, Nick reflects on his past, the choices he made and the promises he broke. Is he a bad person? Is he a bad friend? Does he deserve forgiveness?
Nick explores his turbulent relationship with drugs with clever wit and dark sincerity. Now 14 years clean of opiates, Nick reflects on his past, the choices he made and the promises he broke. Is he a bad person? Is he a bad friend? Does he deserve forgiveness?