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JUL 2021

Lights, Camera, FRINGE

Fringe TV is an HFF run program and artist resource that you should get to know. In addition to archived Workshops, Town Halls, panels, and festival footage, this program provides multiple marketing opportunities as a part of your registration. 

Here at FringeTV, we also want to feature you and your show! The following segments are a great marketing opportunity to share a little about your show to pique the interest of new audience members. 

Participant Lightning Round

We will be taking video submissions from participants answering two questions: “What is your show about?” and “What is your favorite line from the show?” (10-15 seconds). Check out the Lightning Rounds from 2017, 2018, and 2019 on our FringeTV channel.

This can be filmed on your phone, just make sure it’s 

  • Well-lit & a medium shot -chest up. 
  • Shot in landscape, not portrait (a shot that would fill a standard screen).
  • Double-check that your show title in the filename is as you want it to appear on the clip. 

Please drop the above video with your show title as the filename here

Final submissions are due August 1st, 2021. We will have multiple installments, so the sooner you get them in, the sooner this marketing platform can help get eyes on your show. 

Fringe Trailers

We want your show trailers! In our new digital Fringe Central (details coming soon), we will be featuring #hff21 show trailers on loop. A great way to pique the interest of potential ticket buyers.

To be included in this new theatrical fight board, submit your registered show’s trailer by filling out this form

Questions? Email:  [email protected]


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An artist takes the stage at one of the many unique venues of the Gothenburg Fringe in Sweden.


JUL 2021

We are thrilled to announce a partnership with the Gothenburg Fringe and the official start of the Hollywood Fringe Abroad Program. This new exchange program celebrates the art that connects us globally and the reach this new digital medium can provide our participants and audience.  

This year we will welcome a show from the Gothenburg Fringe program to our festival screens, and a show from the Hollywood Fringe will be awarded a place in their festival’s digital prologue, September 4-7. 

After a year devoid of travel, we are thrilled to offer this artistic mode of transportation to our artists and theirs. 

Details about how to apply for this digital award to be announced in late July. 

The Gothenburg Fringe Festival is an explosion of creativity. Cutting-edge performance art comes to life in unique and unexpected venues across the city. September will mark the festival’s sixth year presenting uncensored performance art that stimulates, educates, and entertains. The Gothenburg Fringe Festival takes place September 8th-13th, 2021, with over 100 performances and events of all shapes and sizes. 


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HFF21 Artist Fund


JUN 2021

The Hollywood Fringe Festival is thrilled to announce the fourteen recipients of the 2021 Artist Fund. Selected by lottery and funded by you, our community. 

We can’t wait to see these stories take to the stage at the 2021 Hollywood Fringe Festival. 

Mayhem of The Music Meister!

I Hear So Extremely Loud

Deconstructing Holly

A Night at the Chicano Rock Opera

Boy Crazy Psycho Slut

Funny Bonz, the Humerus Solution

The Dean’s Office

The Blues

Black Woman in Deep Water 

Gideon and the Blundersnorp

I’m Fine

American Woman

Dirty Chai

The Big Crash

All shows listed applied and were selected by a third-party lottery system. Each of these shows has received free registration and a $550 stipend towards production costs at the 2021 Hollywood Fringe Festival. 

More information about the 2021 Artist Fund here

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Fringers cheers in celebration at The Broadwater Plunge.


JUN 2021

Marketing Opportunity Alert! 

Our Sponsored Drinks program is back this year but with a bit of a (lemon) twist. This year, five show-sponsored drinks will make up the official HFF21 drink menu. These five drinks will be decided by auction. 

The top five auction bids will receive a beverage recipe to promote & celebrate your production uniquely! In addition, you will also receive official festival social media promotion, newsletter mention, blog post inclusion, and be highlighted in our (soon to be announced) digital Fringe Central.

If you win one of these five spots, you will provide the name, a promotional photo, base alcohol choice, and other information about your show. Our creative mixologists and marketing team will do the rest! For a chance to be featured on the official drink menu of HFF21, place your bid here. The auction is now open and closes on July 12th, 2021.

Get your bid on! 

Email any questions about this program to [email protected] 

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HFF19 Awards Ceremony


JUN 2021


The Hollywood Fringe Festival, in concert with the HFF ACCESS Committee, will develop a 2-year plan to increase accessibility, equity, and inclusion at the Hollywood Fringe Festival Awards Ceremony, including physical and mental disability access, interpretation services, equitable nomination processes, and to provide clear ideas of what the festival can and cannot provide as a non-curated, primarily volunteer-run festival.


Year 1, 2021

  • Develop an infrastructure to make it clear to participants and audiences what services are available & where
  • Event needs
    - Event live interpretation (ASL)
    - Slides: In English & Spanish
    - Docx Slides & program with list of nominees
    - Flashing lights (Ask venues/light technicians to monitor)
  • Language on how to think about equity while voting on the community awards in sponsored award language and community award language
  • An agreement for award sponsors
  • Create some kind of checks and balances for sponsored awards that reserve tickets and don’t show up to see the show
  • Make the voting process is updated, so people aren’t voting on categories they haven’t seen
  • Sponsored awards
  • Make a committee size requirement of 3+
  • Request that a percentage of committee members  must be from outside the award presenter’s organization
    - Committee size of 3-5 members is at least 1 person from outside the organization
    - Committee size of 6-10 members is at least 2 people from outside the organization
    - Committee size of 10+ members is at least 20% of the committee is from outside the organization (round to the nearest whole number)
  • Sponsored award application must have a committee plan for equitable representation on their committee
  • Sponsored awards cannot give an award to someone within their own company and organization
  • Examine current sponsored awards requirements
  • In the Partnership agreement for sponsored awards, lay out some best practices in requesting comps
  • A video explaining how voting works
    - Script for the video should include our equity statement
  • Sponsored award feedback collected via Google form during the process

Year 2, 2022

  • Develop an infrastructure to make it clear to participants and audiences what services are available & where
  • Develop an awards equity committee to set recommendations for the next two years (this plan will be continuously reviewed and updated, it’s not just a two-year process)
  • Event needs
    - Event live interpretation (ASL and Spanish)
    - Program: provide visual description & Spanish language interpretation
    - Slides: In English & Spanish
    - Docx Slides with list of nominees
    - Flashing lights (ask venues/light technicians to monitor)
  • A “for your consideration” page that is available to Fringe producers to use to promote their work
  • An access committee sponsored award
  • An award for venues doing the work of presenting diverse shows
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