World Premiere


fulfillment studios · Ages 13+ · United States of America
A dramedy by Lucky Mor, inspired by Jay-Z's 4:44. Brothers come together to discuss what to do with their recently deceased parent’s estate. Misunderstandings, vulnerabilities, and resentments surface threatening the already fragile family unit. 4 brothers, 4 different views, 4 secrets revealed.
A dramedy by Lucky Mor, inspired by Jay-Z's 4:44. Brothers come together to discuss what to do with their recently deceased parent’s estate. Misunderstandings, vulnerabilities, and resentments surface threatening the already fragile family unit. 4 brothers, 4 different views, 4 secrets revealed.


ensemble theatre · the gangbusters theatre company · Ages 12+ · United States of America
June 16th 1972, Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy have business to tend. Tonight's Mission: Oversee a group of five men sent to repair listening devices they installed five weeks earlier into DNC's Headquarters at the Watergate Complex in Washington DC. What the fuck could possibly go wrong?
June 16th 1972, Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy have business to tend. Tonight's Mission: Oversee a group of five men sent to repair listening devices they installed five weeks earlier into DNC's Headquarters at the Watergate Complex in Washington DC. What the fuck could possibly go wrong?


comedy · prufrock productions · Ages 17+ · United States of America
Choi and Rhoul haven’t seen Marty in a while. Then, over coffee and a stale muffin, he casually tells them he has cancer. And he wants to move to Hawaii. “Marty has Cancer” is a dark comedy about friendship, coming-of-age (in your 30’s), and the absurdity of “American Idol.”
Choi and Rhoul haven’t seen Marty in a while. Then, over coffee and a stale muffin, he casually tells them he has cancer. And he wants to move to Hawaii. “Marty has Cancer” is a dark comedy about friendship, coming-of-age (in your 30’s), and the absurdity of “American Idol.”


ensemble theatre · kadm productions · Ages 18+ · United States of America
A self-proclaimed sex-addict and his estranged girlfriend attempt to turn their story into a movie that doesn't offend anyone. This proves harder than they thought as it seems everyone is offended by something different.
A self-proclaimed sex-addict and his estranged girlfriend attempt to turn their story into a movie that doesn't offend anyone. This proves harder than they thought as it seems everyone is offended by something different.


musicals and operas · public comment productions · Ages 13+ · United States of America
The City of Happymont is your typical small but growing city, and while the Happymont City Council tries to keep order and get business done, the Public, or at least those who participate in Public Comment, takes up the Council's time with Conspiracy theories, rants, and musical numbers.
The City of Happymont is your typical small but growing city, and while the Happymont City Council tries to keep order and get business done, the Public, or at least those who participate in Public Comment, takes up the Council's time with Conspiracy theories, rants, and musical numbers.


jim vejvoda · United States of America
An Asian-American visual effects artist is working on a top secret, very racially problematic project: digitally altering a white movie star to look biracial. Her white reporter bestie threatens to expose it all — and destroy her friend in the process.
An Asian-American visual effects artist is working on a top secret, very racially problematic project: digitally altering a white movie star to look biracial. Her white reporter bestie threatens to expose it all — and destroy her friend in the process.


dance & physical theatre · the catalyst · Ages 16+ · United States of America
Trafficked 2.0 is a play that explores human trafficking. With three languages spoken throughout the show and elements of dance/physical theater, Trafficked 2.0 showcases how this societal issue can occur right in your backyard or to someone miles away from you.
Trafficked 2.0 is a play that explores human trafficking. With three languages spoken throughout the show and elements of dance/physical theater, Trafficked 2.0 showcases how this societal issue can occur right in your backyard or to someone miles away from you.


d&b productions · Ages 16+ · United States of America
A twenty-something without direction looks for guidance from the Julia Roberts filmography to manage her misogynist boss, overbearing family, friends who have achieved far greater success, and non-existent love life. Can she navigate life channeling the roles made famous by Julia Roberts?
A twenty-something without direction looks for guidance from the Julia Roberts filmography to manage her misogynist boss, overbearing family, friends who have achieved far greater success, and non-existent love life. Can she navigate life channeling the roles made famous by Julia Roberts?