A Regular Little Houdini

solo performance · flying bridge theatre company · Ages 10+ · United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

family friendly one person show
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KAT MICHELS certified reviewer June 21, 2016
Actor and playwright Daniel Llewelyn-Williams is a master storyteller. He is able to vividly paint a picture of early 1900′s dock life in Newport Wales. Despite the hardships and struggles this life imposes, Llewelyn-Williams’ character Alan Williams presents the indefatigable spirit of a young boy caught up in his dreams of becoming an escape-ologist like his hero Harry Houdini. While the show does contain a few well-done magic tricks and Houdini’s influence plays a big part on this boy’s life, in the end, this is not a play about magic. It is about escaping from a life of hardship and poverty. As the audience is skillfully led through Alan’s own adventures and mishaps of childhood, an unimaginable tragedy strikes and Alan is forced to set ... full review
RUSSELL EATON certified reviewer June 23, 2016
An amazing storyteller presents the story of a life filled with adventure and heartbreak. Best show of the Fest!... full review
ANNE HASTINGS certified reviewer June 27, 2016
I hope this performer is "discovered".... full review
ERNEST KEARNEY the tvolution certified reviewer June 20, 2016
Daniel Llewelyn-Williams’ one man show, A Regular Little Houdini is an enchanting blend of history, tragedy and magic. Set in his home town of Newport, South Wales during the Edwardian era, Llewelyn-Williams’ coming of age story of a little boy who idolizes the escape artist Harry Houdini draws on actual events from the town past. It is this legitimacy and Llewelyn-Williams’ all too apparent love of his birth place that give an added luster to an all ready stunning performance. Joshua Richards’s sharp and skilled direction and Meg Cox’s lovely music play no small part in the show’s success as well. A definite: GOLD ... full review
CHRISTOPHER PIEHLER certified reviewer June 16, 2016
This was a corker of a story told by a completely confident expert storyteller—who could also do a few sleight-of-hand tricks. (The Welsh accent didn't hurt, either.) If you like solo shows, this is an absolute must-see!... full review
DW MCCANN certified reviewer June 18, 2016
Great story anf well performed! The whole show tied together very nicely and we were drawn in and invested from the beginning. Best one man show I have seen.... full review
JANE WALSH certified reviewer June 30, 2016
tagged as: Beautiful
This is an absolutely beautiful performance. Smartly written and elegantly performed. This lovingly shared, tender story will resonate in every part of your being. A true story of triumph.... full review
DAVID BICKFORD certified reviewer June 19, 2016
A compelling tale, told by a charming and talented fellow. ... full review