I don't want to say much because this really is one of those shows that the less you know about it the better the experience you're going to have. And this is a show you really should see. It's the perfect storm of incredible writing and direction with really fantastic acting. I saw this too late to promote it for the festival, but if it does extend (AND IT SHOULD) it really is a can't miss. ...
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An intense two hander, I was fully expecting to think and feel one way, but by the end I was completely shocked. I haven't stopped thinking about this show. ...
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Intense, captivating and well performed....
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PATRICK CHAVIS la theatre bites - podcast certified reviewerJune 16, 2023
7.6 out of 10 – Above Average! Click the link below to learn more:
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Fantastic portrayal of two flawed, likable, fully-realized characters from two ends of the political spectrum. Topical without pandering, IF I’M GOOD is tight, funny, moving, and challenging, brought to life by two consummate pros. ...
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