
Domino Is Down

ensemble theatre · The Lounge Theatre · Ages 18+ · United States of America

world premiere
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MICHAEL FONTAINE my haunt life certified reviewer June 13, 2017
This is one of those shows where I’m not sure how I should feel towards the character. Domino (played by Mitchell Reiter) meets up at a museum bar with his old friend, and current detective, Tommi (played by Teresa Yslas Beardsley). Tommi tells him that her husband cannot make it, so it will just be them. Domino starts spilling his guts about things that have gone wrong in his life, which are “man” type issues such as needing to use Viagra or losing a fight in front of his ex. His life seems to be going into a downward spiral and Tommi is doing her best to keep him out of it. When Domino tells his stories, you feel bad for him. His stories can be relatable for some people. But when Tommi excuses herself to make a phone call or go to the rest... full review
CYNTHIA SKALE certified reviewer June 12, 2017
tagged as: sophisticated
See this play, by all means!... full review
JONATHAN ADAMS certified reviewer June 13, 2017
tagged as: intense · Beautiful · thoughtful
I really hope the play finds a wider audience. A play this nuanced, well-acted and well-written deserves a bigger platform than Fringe.... full review
JOHN YOUNG certified reviewer June 16, 2017
Pay no attention to the previous reviewer; I heard there is a disgruntled cast member who was fired from the production and has an obvious axe to grind. My bet is that it was this person who wrote this negative and obviously biased assessment, so completely unlike any of the other reviews. This is a terrific, complex play with many layers. Go see it.... full review
BOB LEGGETT indie voice blog certified reviewer June 18, 2017
Some brilliant performances by two of the cast, but overall a disappointment. See our full review at Indie Voice Blog.... full review
JUAN RAMOS certified reviewer June 26, 2017
i tried to enjoy this play as much as i possibly could but what ruined it for me was the concession stand lady who stole 15 dollars from me by returning a 5 when i gave her a 20 (because i told her i changed my mind and would pay for the beer with ones). she said she didnt even go into the change purse but i saw her go in when i was digging for my ones, then when we were arguing, some other lady comes and tells me the play is starting and im going to miss it. this killed this play for me and thank god the other fringe plays where there to pick me back up. shit like this makes me not want to go out and support the arts. i hope any other actors looking to put on a play next year find a better venue then the lounge theater. here's hoping th... full review
PAT BARANIC certified reviewer June 13, 2017
Well written play with a strong cast. After seeing it last weekend I am actually considering a 2nd showing. ... full review
MARK PETERSON certified reviewer June 13, 2017
Very impressive and surprising, had everyone on the edge of their seats.... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 13, 2017
I knew that this is the producers first show if he had ever done. Overall I was very impressed with somebody doing it for the first time! ... full review
LIANA DELIKYAN certified reviewer June 13, 2017
Dark comedy that explores a mans inner struggle with integrating his masculine and feminine parts. This disintegration becomes obvious through the stories he tells his friend and how he behaves with other bar patrons. The supporting characters each highlight aspects of himself. A wonderful play that stirs up conversation, contemplation and empathy! ... full review
domino is down