Justice? Or... Just Me?: The Bite

Solo Show · lorinda hawkins smith · Ages 18+ · United States of America

includes nudity one person show world premiere

“Justice? Or… Just Me?” started as a ten minute monologue and is now a trilogy that examines what justice looks like from the perspective of a Black woman in a domestic violence marriage to a White man. Her journey navigates what happens when a woman of color dares to fight back. When she dares to ask for help, the help she receives is not what she was expecting. Through various storytelling techniques, we are able to see if justice is for all or just some. Our character asks the question, “Is this what justice looks like for everybody? Or just me?” Each part of the trilogy will be a full length show. Justice? Or…Just Me?: The Bite is the first in the trilogy.

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran