cabaret & variety · jonathan sky (magician) · United States of America

family friendly one person show
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MICHAEL FONTAINE my haunt life certified reviewer June 11, 2017
tagged as: magic
This was such a charming show! This is a "back to basics" type of magic show and I loved every minute of it. Magician Jonathan Sky fuses New Orleans jazz (complete with trumpet playing), storytelling, and some clever magic into this performance. You'll see illusions you would expect such as card and rope tricks, but you will also see some things you've never seen before. There are some fun, child-like things he does in this show, but they never cross that line of being silly. With that being said, 2 parts of this show that involved drawing (one with crayons and one with a marker) will have you laughing and smiling ear to ear. It will make you feel like a kid again and leave you asking over and over "How did he do that?" If you are a fan of c... full review
JON ARMSTRONG certified reviewer June 10, 2017
This is a fun show and well worth your time. ... full review
RUSSELL EATON http://www.myhauntlife.com certified reviewer June 21, 2017
tagged as: jazz · magic · CUTE · whimsical
Amazingly charming and endearing, this magic show goes straight of the heart. The wit and skill of Jonathan Sky make this a show to see!... full review