
SPACE or The Number of Nothing

ensemble theatre · Toll House Productions · Ages 12+ · United States of America

world premiere
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JAMES FERRERO certified reviewer June 05, 2017
tagged as: space · number · nothing · 2001 · odyssey · media · tech · AI · interstellar
Space, or the Number of Nothing is not your typical play about space. At first, you think it's going to follow the 2001 path of A.I. gone rogue. What it becomes is much more of a soul search for these characters. Watching how they deal with the pressures, loneliness, and the unknown of interstellar travel was an unexpected, but terrific surprise. The actors all conveyed the struggle differently and realistically. The use of media in this show is some of the finest I've seen in not only any Fringe show, but of any show I've ever seen. You really don't want to miss this one.... full review
VANESSA CATALAN certified reviewer June 05, 2017
Blew me away 😊... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 10, 2017
This sci-fi thriller is well worth the price of admission! There is nothing else like it in the festival!... full review
MIKE REYES certified reviewer June 07, 2017
Though provoking, SPACE OR THE NUMBER OF NOTHING is an intimate story following a crew to their potentially unknown fate, it is a powerful reminder of how small we can actually be in the known universe and that our minutia does not make us insignificant, in fact, it is due to our smallness that our stories are so important to tell. Bravo to Ethan and the rest of the hardworking cast and crew. ... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 17, 2017
For Fringe requirements--a quick show turnaround means simple sets/props--there's a lot of bang for the buck. I didn't quite get it, however, but my wife explained it to me. ... full review
DAN WALDKIRCH certified reviewer June 17, 2017
Extremely cool and engaging. The best show I've seen at Fringe so far!... full review
ROM WATSON certified reviewer June 19, 2017
A science fiction drama. It holds your interest because you're trying to understand the mystery, but when it's over you realize it's too cryptic to be satisfying.... full review
ASHLEY STEED stage raw and la bitter lemons certified reviewer June 22, 2017
A rescue ship has been dispatched to the edges of the solar system in search of the missing ship Cressida. After going through an emergency simulation, the rescue ship Troilus’ AI AUTi begins to go awry, and communication to Earth goes down. Writers Lucas Dean Peterson and Ethan Leaverton have created a unique sci-fi story which delves into isolation and paranoia. That being said, more work is needed on the script. There are multiple underdeveloped characters and a superfluous love story. The most interesting part of the story is the ship’s technician Colby (played by Leaverton, who carries the play) and his interaction with the AI (voiced by Ashley Gong). The surprise ending is superb, but the play has plenty of missed opportunities leading... full review
space or the number of nothing