Mark Twain Answers All Your Questions!

aldridge-goodman · Ages 7+ · United States of America

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ERNEST KEARNEY the tvolution certified reviewer June 15, 2016
MARK TWAIN ANSWERS ALL YOUR QUESTIONS The celebrated writer and humorist begins the evening by dying in a hail of bullets from a police shootout that then evolves into your classic porno flick with the sound of a zipper preceding an officer bringing out for inspection his lethal weapon. Later in the evening Mr. Twain accidently immolates himself. Twice. While historical validity is not perhaps a high point here, Ed Goodman’s interpretation of Twain is truly an uncanny experience and one must constantly remind themselves they are only watching a consummate actor recreating his role from last year’s The Poe Show, otherwise you would swear that on stage it really was Ed Norton in a silly wig. Cheap laughs abound. We’re talking a re... full review
KAT MICHELS certified reviewer June 08, 2016
I have two words for this show – absolutely ridiculous. It’s a combination of stand-up, biographical facts and sketch comedy. This is not a polished piece, nor do I think it is supposed to be. I feel like the ‘rough around the edges’ vibe is by design. There are definitely moments that fall flat, but actor, Ed Goodman, has the resiliency to bounce back and deliver a gem only moments later. The comedy is loud, ribald and at times inappropriate. He even managed to include audience participation without me totally hating it. For the record, I loathe audience participation, so that is actually high praise. Unlike the show’s namesake’s work, I don’t think this is likely to endure for years to come, but it’s good for an hour’s entertainment. Oh! B... full review
KRISTEN BOULÉ certified reviewer June 24, 2016
Super fun, silliness galore, Ed Goodman is SO entertaining and likable, what's not to love?! Highly recommended for a lot of laughs, I saw an early show and it was a GREAT way to start my day. Thanks Mr. Twain for all the answers!!... full review
DANIEL FAIGIN certified reviewer June 19, 2016
Funny, but not as much my thing as some of the other shows. Full writeup at full review