BEYOND - Unemployed. Finally.

solo performance · written and performed by heather r. dowling · Ages 13+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere
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RENEE WANG certified reviewer June 17, 2015
Unemployed. Finally. Was amazing!!! Heather is very captivating and her performance takes you on a journey that spans years but is captured in an hour. I laughed, cried and left inspired to never give up. ... full review
TIMOTHY DOWLING certified reviewer June 17, 2015
I cannot imagine anything harder or scarier than what Heather "31 Jobs by the time she was 31" Dowling did last week in this show. I was an actor and am a writer and as an actor on stage you usually have a script someone else wrote to work with and other actors to play off of. And even then it's really hard to make a great play. But imagine a blank stage, canvas, with no other actors, just you and the show you wrote and created for over an hour that's really really really hard. But yet she did it and created something interesting and engrossing and naked and real and heartbreaking and fun all together. Talking about 31 jobs she had and her life in between while also playing countless other characters. She set the degree of diffic... full review
DAVID MACDOWELL BLUE uncertified reviewer June 21, 2015
A biographical one-person show really depends on a several factors: (1) The life must have some relevance (2) The character at the center of it all must hold our interest and (3) The performer needs to show some level of really profound skill. Kudos on this one! She did it! Three for three!... full review
MELISSA GLASGOW certified reviewer June 18, 2015
Truly amazing. Heather has such control over her story and her audience, and in the most genuine, vulnerable way possible. Heather is lovable, brave, and captivating as she shares the highs and lows of her life over the course of 30+ jobs. She not only easily shifts from one character to the next throughout the show, but also transitions through moments of joy, laughter, and sadness so gracefully that you’re caught off guard by the tears running down your face. A lot of us could talk about our lives for an hour, but not like this. Heather’s amazing story and the effective way she tells it make Unemployed. Finally. a show that will inspire you. Go see it! ... full review
DAVID HARPER certified reviewer June 20, 2015
Congratulations to Heather for creating her first one-woman show! A lot of work went into this, and it pays off in a performance that encapsulates many years of twists and turns into 60 minutes of entertainment. While many people would sweep things under the rug, Heather bravely exposes some of her worst moments and biggest disappointments so we can all be inspired by her journey. Looking forward to what her next journey will bring to the stage.... full review
CAROL ELSNER certified reviewer June 21, 2015
After seeing Heather Dowling's performance today I can assure her that being unemployed will not be an issue for her for long. While the title of this one woman show might lead you to believe that the focus will be on Heather's professional life (or lack thereof), it is strewn with personal revelations that give us a glimpse into the private world of this talented artist. She seamlessly transitions from the lighter, more carefree, moments of her youth to the poignant realizations that life doesn't always go as planned without missing a beat. Surely she will be employed weaving stories both on paper and before an audience for many years to come.... full review
KRISTYNE ELIZABETH FETSIC certified reviewer June 21, 2015
I was fighting back tears by the end! At first I thought Heather was merely going to run through a list of her 30+ jobs but nope, I was wrong. The story she ended up telling was one that touched my heart and left me dreaming. Through her expert characterization and her courage to be 100% vulnerable in front of her audience, Heather took us through the twists and turns and tumults of her life that crescendoed in a burst of awe inspiring hope. A great play for anyone who has every felt a little lost in'll leave feeling as if anything is possible and that your dreams are definitely within your reach!... full review
MEGAN DOLAN certified reviewer June 21, 2015
I can see why Heather was hired so many times--she's charismatic, capable, and extremely likable as an employee and a performer. She shifts easily in and out of countless characters in a clear and precise narrative that moves quickly. I sat in delighted anticipation for the next job (highlighted expertly by the use of slides and a dinging sound)and the hilarious situations that would arise with each new opportunity. The ending was surprising and moving--it took me off guard at just how deeply invested I was in her story. Well done. ... full review
KYLA GARCIA uncertified reviewer June 25, 2015
tagged as: Beautiful
Heather Dowling is an unstoppable force of light in this heart wrenchingly honest and brave one woman show. Her acting is so deeply heartfelt and I was moved to both tears and laughter throughout the span of the entire performance. Heather takes you through the journey of her adolescence, a time when she effortlessly fell into the path of her dreams and felt a deep calling to perform on the stage and recreates an upsetting encounter with her high school counselor who advises her to choose a safer college major/career choice away from the performing arts. Viewing Heather's story from the outside looking in, my heart broke the moment her counselor spoke those words. It was as if, in that fateful moment, everything she knew and trusted and ... full review
JIM MARTYKA uncertified reviewer June 21, 2015
I dare you not to find Heather wonderfully adorable or this show absolutely inspiring! A great concept with an all-too-recognizable theme for us struggling artists. Heather has such an easy, natural approach, you would think that she has been doing this show for years. She invites you into her life with snark and humor and doesn't shy away when things get rough. Within minutes you feel like you're simply listening to a friend tell you about her day, her life, what she's learned. She handles the many influences (and hangups) in her life with care and well-polished comedic timing and character work. She is such a natural pro on stage, it's hard to think she's been doing anything but one job her entire life. More than anything, what (for me) ma... full review