I Died...I Came Back...Whatever.

fearless imp entertainment · Ages 15+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere
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FRANK RADA certified reviewer June 15, 2015
To say I liked this show would be an understatement. Cyanne's story of her death and life could be preachy or melodramatic, but instead it is funny, moves at lightening speed and is touching. She's a captivating performer, spinning out a dazzling number of distinct characters that populate her show. It's a wonderful show about a charismatic woman's heart in all of its meanings.... full review
DAMIEN LUVARA certified reviewer June 16, 2015
I laughed, I left ...reviewing. This show is a slow burn with great pay off. I say slow burn, because for me it always takes a while to start building the world in my head that a solo performer is building onstage. Call it the ADHD call it just being a lazy audience member just don't call it Cyanne's fault. But cause I've never seen a dead person work harder. From the moment she flat lines, Cyanne is off and running. Showing us her chops and incomperable range in this one woman show of force. I lost count at how many characters and she emobies, and that is right around the time when I was hooked on this story. Baring everything for us in a small black box theatre this world comes to life. At times fantstic and at times tragic the sho... full review
RACHEL STREGER certified reviewer June 21, 2015
I just saw "I Died...I Came Back... Whatever, and recommend you see it too! It was funny, touching and filled with life lessons. Cyanne McClairian gives an inspiring performance, reminding us to embrace what you have and live life.... full review
WADE SKALSKY certified reviewer June 26, 2015
Whoa! Right out of the gate you know you are going to have to be prepared for a ride since the main characters basically immediately dies. Thankfully death cannot stop our heroine or her story. I lost count of the number of characters this talented actress regaled us with. Physical challenges create the backdrop of a unique outlook on life that I was honored to learn about. Cyanne has no fear and attacks her story with confidence. Her story, and her telling of it, will stay with you. ... full review
LAUREN SIMON certified reviewer June 26, 2015
tagged as: amazing · captivating · rebirth · Olivier · whirlwind · energy
What an amazing whirlwind experience, delivered by a red-headed "fearless imp" with enormous energy, humor and heart! From the time she dies on the operating table, through her many encounters and characterizations, Cyanne McClairian's performance held me captivated. Who among us has not wondered about "heaven's waiting room", that space between life and death, if it exists, what it's like....? What an account she has written! What emotions she stirs, moving between death and inspiration with laughter, tears, and back again. Thankfully Cyanne has returned to us a full-grown woman with enormous talent. See the show!... full review
ERNEST KEARNEY thetvolution.com certified reviewer July 09, 2015
Cyanne McClairian’s one woman show, I Died...I Came Back...Whatever will now enjoy the dubious distinction of serving me as an excellent example to call upon when an opinion I hold is in need of bolstering. (Would you believe that doesn’t happen often? Would you believe that if it was reported by Sean Hannity?) You see, during the just ended Hollywood Fringe, that month long celebration of the arts by the creative clans of Los Angeles, I found myself on more than one occasion discussing definitions. What qualified as “fringe”? What qualifies a piece “performance art” as opposed to “self indulgent crap”? What constituted originality and what deserved damning as downright derivative? Typically, o... full review
SARA DAVENPORT certified reviewer June 08, 2015
The show was very touching. I enjoyed the attention to detail that was given to each character. ... full review
JENNIFER HUTCHINS certified reviewer June 07, 2015
An amazing emotional roller coaster of happy and sad moments made this a "MUST SEE" one woman show. Anyone who's ever spent time with doctors and/or in the hospital will be moved by the storyline and performance. ... full review
DEBBIE LOWE certified reviewer June 07, 2015
tagged as: touching · sweet and funny!
Cyanne, a little red-headed munchkin, presents a show 10 times her size. The show is Funny, touching and will leave you asking for more! Along with all the different characters she plays, she touches us with her heart. The same heart that she has had a love hate relationship with since the age of 3. And then she gets a new one!! I for one, am grateful that she is still here and sharing her amazing story! I know she will be touching the world with this same amazing heart for a long time to come!... full review
KIMBRA WESTERVELT certified reviewer June 07, 2015
First time at the Hollywood Fringe festival and seeing "I Died…I Came Back…Whatever" was a great intro to the festival! Cyanne Martin puts her whole heart and soul into her performance. Great energy and what a story.... full review