This show is hilarious. The concept of the show-as-telethon makes it fun from the get-go. Every minute or two, Alexis takes a turn that you won't see coming. She has carefully crafted a show that incorporates storytelling, audience interaction, song, and film (among other things)in such a way that we're rooting for her immediately. If you're a 'late bloomer' you'll appreciate her take on the awkward moments you've survived. I would see this show again, and I'll be in line for whatever Alexis writes next. ...
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Great show!! Super funny while still being open and vulnerable about the topics of love and sex. Charming and creative, this show's ability to look at the concerns the writer/performer about love and sex are original and hilarious. Definitely a show you don't want to miss at the Fringe. Especially since it traveled all the way from New York....
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