

new musicals inc · Ages 10+ · United States of America
Bullies. Nerds. Semi-functional robots. A schoolwide rebellion. An all-ages musical adventure from the author of A Feast of Snacks (HFF 2016 nominee for Best Musical) and co-author of Super Sidekick: The Musical (award-winner at both Hollywood and NY Fringes). Developed by New Musicals Inc.
Bullies. Nerds. Semi-functional robots. A schoolwide rebellion. An all-ages musical adventure from the author of A Feast of Snacks (HFF 2016 nominee for Best Musical) and co-author of Super Sidekick: The Musical (award-winner at both Hollywood and NY Fringes). Developed by New Musicals Inc.


musicals and operas · robot teammate · Ages 13+ · United States of America
In the old British-ish kingdom of Crumpeton, a young girl turned pickpocket accidentally finds herself swept up in a criminal uprising against the Duchess, who happens to be her mother. Another original musical comedy from Robot Teammate, creators of TIMEHEART, THUG TUNNEL, & TURBULENCE!
In the old British-ish kingdom of Crumpeton, a young girl turned pickpocket accidentally finds herself swept up in a criminal uprising against the Duchess, who happens to be her mother. Another original musical comedy from Robot Teammate, creators of TIMEHEART, THUG TUNNEL, & TURBULENCE!

tagged with tuneful