Corrine Glazer


corrine glazer · June 24, 2019 certified reviewer
The Darlings of Fringe!! Robot Teammate consistently puts on a show that I'd watch every performance of.... full review


corrine glazer · June 13, 2019 certified reviewer
If your mood needs lifting, go see The Bully Problem!! It was absolutely joyful!!... full review

Batter Up! My Brain on Baseball

corrine glazer · June 13, 2019 certified reviewer
I didn't know how this description on paper would translate into a show, but I DIDN'T HAVE TO. This show has everything from amazing brain feats to comedy to nostalgia... nostalgia for a sport I don't even follow and players I know nothing about!... full review

Angel's Flight

corrine glazer · June 24, 2016 uncertified reviewer
When stupidity is done well, you have ANGEL’S FLIGHT. The show pays off immediately with the dynamic movie style opening credits. From there there’s nothing to do but be rewarded with sultry sounds, dancing legs, and bad jokes (that are the best jokes). And you’ll be in on the joke for the whole ride, but just in case you get lost in the world too much, they’ll break down that 4th wall with a devilish grin. This show brilliantly puts to use (and makes fun of) some of my favorite theatre mechanism... full review

Shakespeare's Last Night Out (or What? YOU, Will??)

corrine glazer · June 28, 2015 uncertified reviewer
Being in a Tavern with Shakespeare was everything! It's clear Michael Shaw Fisher immersed himself in studying the life and times of Willy, but it's his storytelling that makes this show, so you need not be a Shakespeare aficionado yourself. His writing is witty and nostalgic and delivers us, brilliantly, Shakespeare mocking his work! His character is as enthralling as his dedication to it. His renaissance, folk, rock, and even drunken bar inspired composition is so catchy! And those musicians! S... full review


corrine glazer · June 19, 2015 uncertified reviewer
Timeheart is the opposite of terrible. It's stand on your chair to give the highest ovation. It's EVERYTHING, so put your hands on your hips and get ready to do the Timewarp with Barbarella. This show is brilliant in it's design because it was discovered through Robot Teammate improvisations. They created their own characters and every one is a stand-out! The music's a joy-grin and delivered diversely in the strengths of each performer. Kat, who takes us on this sci-fi journey, is a songstress th... full review

Sleeping Around

corrine glazer · June 19, 2015 uncertified reviewer
Disaster meets comedy at every corner - so it's just like real-life relationships! These actors were so comfortable and well-fit in their roles, that after the show I had to ask if it was written for them/with them! (It wasn't.) All the love affairs are intertwined (as I'm sure you've gathered from their sexy promotional photos and material), but the writing is so great, that each scene honestly stands on it's own with a strong beginning, middle, and end. These characters are deeply layered and s... full review

Boss: The Untold Tony Danza Story

corrine glazer · June 19, 2015 uncertified reviewer
Sorry to say it took me a whole year to finally see this! And it was just as alive and funny as I anticipated. I really enjoyed the media "opening credits" sequence and the freeze vignettes (my favorite Mona moment), perfectly transporting me from live theatre to... well, every old tv show I grew up watching, and back to live theatre, seamlessly. The ensemble brings a non-stop physical energy to the stage with each role from the ruthless Mob Boss, the smarmy Agent, the hungry Bartender, the reckl... full review

Friends Like These

corrine glazer · June 20, 2014 certified reviewer
It’s difficult to write a review about such a well-written show and not just spoil the heck out of the plot for those of you who haven’t had a chance to see it yet! For me, there was no plot twist. It sounds twisted, but I knew who I wanted the antagonist to be and it was compelling to watch that all unfold. For others it came as an unsettling surprise, which was indicated by the audible raw emotions coming from the packed house. I think the characters are really well-defined, each with a lan... full review

25 Plays Per Hour

corrine glazer · June 19, 2013 uncertified reviewer
Character driven fun that seamlessly moves from piece to piece. It's a wildly pleasing jam-packed hour that really showcases the writers and actors.... full review