
Stuck with You

Comedy · Late Bloomer Productions · Ages 16+ · United States of America

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stuck with you


June 24, 2023 certified reviewer
tagged as: breakup · heartfelt · taylor swift · Comedy

What I liked

Taylor and Julian are both fully rounded characters. In this forced post-mortem for their relationship, we can clearly see both sides—how each person’s views on love and partnership resulted in wildly different interpretations of the relationship. The story never attempts to fall back on the typical “good guy vs bad guy” archetype that comes with many breakup plots. Instead, we see two people, who no longer see eye to eye, confront the uncomfortableness of letting go and moving on. While never losing the depth of the subject matter, Stuck With You, continuously made me laugh. The absurdity of loving someone so hard (to the point of possibly only loving the idea of them) leading to Taylor-Swift-themed chaos, created a fun and thought-invoking show.

I cannot recommend this show enough. The production team clearly led this project with intention, care, and fun. I look forward to seeing where this story goes in the future.

What I didn't like

I’d love to see how the design of this show would evolve outside of the limitations of Fringe’s shared spaces. Would love to see this show in a slot within a theater’s season and/or in film form.

My overall impression

I had the pleasure of seeing this show during its premiere run at USC. Now, after witnessing how the story has evolved for the Fringe this season, I can say with confidence that I loved it then, and I love it now. Stuck With You is entertaining, real, and relatable.

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stuck with you