Unwrapped: Life After Giftedness

Solo Show · 178 blank productions · Ages 13+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere
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unwrapped: life after giftedness

Review by anonymous

June 16, 2023 certified reviewer
tagged as: introspective · emotional · touching

What I liked

I liked her movement on the stage, even though she was just telling “a history,” of her life so far.

What I didn't like

I would like to hear of some of her good moments and memories in life, along with the difficult ones

My overall impression

Spoilers ahead:
I was very impressed by the delivery and resilience of such a young actress. I wanted to share that her monologue brought back many memories of a similar loss of an elementary school classmate, that I hadn’t remembered since it happened. Then following in close succession I also had the loss of a grandparent, and though mine was not as dramatic, I began to fear that I could lose anyone, at any moment.
However, the more years of experience I began to have, the more I realized there would be beautiful and amazingly happy days that I would soon experience, and that life wasn’t always only about loss.
So I would encourage her to hang on for life is dear and the days when you will have moments full of love, laughter, true joy, and new relationships, that make the tapestry of our lives such a complex and God-given gift.

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unwrapped: life after giftedness