I liked that it was true.
The truth hurts.
Loneliness hurts and the performer was tapped into the universal suffering of these human feelings, sharing them with the audience with extreme vulnerability.
What I didn't like
Due to the nature of the form Empathy Party was presented in (stand up) there were moments where I questioned; is it the character that’s not okay or the performer that’s not okay? When I worried for the performer I was uncomfortable in my seat to bear witness. But maybe I should be uncomfortable. This may just be the genius of the performer. I would have liked to know that the performer was okay and was overcoming or had overcome and was letting us into a journey he wasn’t out of control of.
My overall impression
A unique take on stand up comedy involving music, and pain.
Spanning the course of an hour, self aware of the discomfort of time, Empathy Party processes loneliness, and unworthiness reliving/coming to terms with the truth of the past striving to arrive at a moment of peace at the end. Entertaining as hell!!