First Love/Worst Love

theatre · minutelovestories productions · Ages 15+ · United States

world premiere
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FEE DOYLE certified reviewer June 14, 2012
First Love/Worst Love is a mood piece. An electric guitar played live onstage is backdrop to a series of vignettes drawn from Rebecca Cox's short stories. The ensemble shifts from piece to piece in movement & vocal styles that are at once completely honest and absolutely abstract. While the action may never drag you to the depths of heartbreak or to the heights of passion, Rebecca Cox's poetry filters through the air to your ears, leaving an impression of the characters in the author's world. I sat and pondered the answer to the question, "What will I do differently next time?" Before I knew it, the play was over, having passed through me like a wave. Makes me want to see it twice! Bravo to Director Julie Civiello for crea... full review
KAREN + DAVID KANG certified reviewer June 16, 2012
First Love/Worst Love is an extremely well-crafted, creatively staged sequence of emotive vignettes detailing love's ups and downs. The stories are raw, honest, funny and vulnerable. Rebecca Cox is an amazing wordsmith, and Julie Civiello's inventive staging adds depth and nuance to these tales of relationship woes. I highly recommend this unique and outside the box performance! ... full review
BRYCE TOWNSEND certified reviewer June 24, 2012
One particular line in First Love/Worst Love brought tears to my eyes. Which passage resonates with your love history? A brave, courageous, very innovative piece of theater that soothes to look at, haunts to listen to & uplifts with its ending. I know Julie better after watching her play, which is the result of all good art!... full review
MICHELLE HOLMES certified reviewer June 18, 2012
This wonderful show has brilliant direction that beautifully interweaves these stories of love and relationships into an event I wouldn't have wanted to miss. Great performances all around as well. If you believe in love, believe in "First Love/Worst Love"!... full review