
4 Seasons Total Sh!tshow

Hiro Korsgaard · Ages 16+ · United States of America

world premiere
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4 seasons total sh!tshow
BRENDA WONG certified reviewer June 26, 2022
tagged as: creative · funny
This storyline took one of the most ridiculous events in history—Donald Trump’s press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping—and expanded upon it to exciting new levels of absurdity. Haven’t we all wondered how Trump’s press conference came to be held at a landscaping business next to an adult bookstore? This play has a colorful cast of campaign staffers scrambling to make it happen. ... full review
4 seasons total sh!tshow
HANNAH ZORINA RICE certified reviewer June 23, 2022
tagged as: Engaging · funny
What a genuinely funny, engaging piece of theatre! Right from the get-go you're on the edge of your seat in the best way possible. The dynamic cast bounced off one another so well and the interludes between scenes created great comic effect. Overall, a fun, incredibly entertaining play that exceeded my expectations!... full review
4 seasons total sh!tshow
JAN MCINNIS certified reviewer June 20, 2022
tagged as: entertaining! · educating · fun
Fun show, great cast, funny topic! Really creative and many laugh out loud moments!!... full review
4 seasons total sh!tshow
STEPHEN LING certified reviewer June 18, 2022
tagged as: quick · sharp · humorous
Wonderful show. It was sharply written with quick-witted humor effortlessly interwoven into every minute of the play. The acting was great, and I really felt both the stress of the characters and the comedic absurdity of the situation at the same time. I feel as if I would enjoy watching it multiple times; everyone is doing something interesting on stage at all moments and I could easily find nuggets of entertainment sprinkled elsewhere beyond just following the main plot line. Overall, really well done and highly recommended to check out! ... full review
4 seasons total sh!tshow
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 16, 2022
tagged as: hysterical · cathartic · clever
Fun and cathartic! Great performances and a lot of laughs!... full review
4 seasons total sh!tshow
CASARA CLARK certified reviewer June 14, 2022
tagged as: political · Comedy
Hilarious and much needed. A very real commentary with laughs and comic relief. Love.... full review
4 seasons total sh!tshow
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 15, 2022
A lot of fun and some excellent acting. Totally worth your attention! ... full review
4 seasons total sh!tshow
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 15, 2022
Super fun show! Well acted!!... full review
4 seasons total sh!tshow
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 15, 2022
The show was incredibly hilarious the entire cast was so talented and worked so well together!... full review
4 seasons total sh!tshow
TAHER NAJMUDEEN certified reviewer June 15, 2022
Incredible show. Incredible cast. Great jokes, pacing and writing. ... full review
4 seasons total sh!tshow