
A Day With My Mother

Drama · N/A · Ages 16+ · United States of America

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a day with my mother


June 18, 2022 encore judge

What I liked

Maeve Schauerman is a great lead who gives it her all in this piece, she’s absolutely someone I can see leading a TV show in the near future, she has a magnetism about herself and she brings nuance and depth to her performance. I also really enjoyed the different lighting design throughout the piece.

What I didn't like

The tone of this play is so unrelenting in it’s misery that you just feel there is no goal and no hope from the jump for any of these characters, and it makes it also very hard to understand what the plot or even study is supposed to be.

The actors also whisper and talk too softly often making it very difficult to hear what they are saying. Competing with music and a large room often words are performed like it’s a movie set and not a theatre stage. Sitting near the back there were full scenes where I could not hear the dialogue.

My overall impression

Noelle Hall has a bright future ahead of her as a theatre writer and director as structure and the overall tone of the show lend itself to a solid story. However the lack of variance with the tone of story leads into relentless melodrama that can be hard to get invested in. The show is so oppressive to the characters and audience it is hard to be invested as the stakes aren’t clear enough and the absolute lack of joy makes it hard for there to be anything to root for. Talent is all over this production but this is a script that needs various rewrites to reach it’s full potential.

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a day with my mother