
A Day With My Mother

Drama · N/A · Ages 16+ · United States of America

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a day with my mother


June 12, 2022 certified reviewer

What I liked

I loved the lighting; I loved how they filled the stage with color to indicate Cecelia’s state of mind. I loved the staging and how they seemlessly moved from one time period to another with no confusion as to where we were. The woman who played Cecelia carried that entire show on here back and shoed no signs of tiredness or non-investment. The actor who played Theo was consistent and fearless in his portrayal. I also loved the woman who played Cecelia’s mother. She put everything into her body and was a strong presence onstage, even with out words.

What I didn't like

I think this play needs to be shortened. There were some bits that seemed unecessarily long and I wanted as an audience member to hurry up and get to the point. I would love to see this piece re-worked and expanded.

My overall impression

I loved this show. It was a beautifully done; somber and tragic drama. I really felt for and empathized with Cecelia. The cast were fully immersed in their roles and the world of the play. It almost felt like a dance.

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a day with my mother