
Solo Show · john heimbuch · Ages 10+ · United States of America

one person show
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June 15, 2022 certified reviewer

What I liked

Those moments when John paused the story to engage the audience, making sure we were right there with him. Perfect timing to keep us on track with this epic tale. This dusty bit of ancient literature has life breathed back into it in this production. The legend of Beowolf is revived!

What I didn't like

Loved it. Keep it!

My overall impression

Beowulf becomes accessible! It did not take long for my mind to meld with the rhythm of the language of this production of Beowulf translated to modern language by Charlie Bethel and flawlessly performed by John Heimbuch.
John transports us with the ease of a master bard. On the simplest of sets, John’s embodied performance is all we need to clearly see the visceral scenes he portrays.

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