
I Heart Maroc

Solo Show · Ages 13+ · United States of America

family friendly one person show world premiere
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CARTRELL DANIELS certified reviewer August 23, 2021
This show was amazing! I was very entertained throughout the whole thing. The story was fun and kept me engaged. ... full review
LARRY DAVIDSON certified reviewer August 21, 2021
This show was an absolute delight. Azo’s characters are so real and portrayed with such love. I felt I was there with her in Morocco. Avo is such a likable performer and this show was pure heart. Fun, entertaining, inspirational and touching. Top notch.... full review
SHELLEY COOPER certified reviewer August 18, 2021
I ADORED this performance. Azo’s performance is a Masterclass in commitment to physicalization and vocalizing a wide range of characters with skill and care. You cannot help but leave the theatre with a huge grin and glimmer of hope. ... full review
RANDELL WAKEFIELD certified reviewer August 16, 2021
Azo Notes Armenian Immagrany -lots of faces Juilliard checklist is cute - groped, robbed... darkly funny in a sad way. - Zubida A beguiling storytelling presence with and one woman marvel both as a beguiling storyteller and as a human being overall A A one woman marvel of a human being and artist; a sharp emphatic storyteller who effectively highlights the humor, heart & humanity, fears and triumphs -both small and grand- in building a life for oneself off the expected path. With a penchant for brutal honesty and an arsenal of techniques- masterful accents, effortless ability to manipulate her physicality, Azo gamely breathes life into her accounts of her time abroad in Morocco finding herself while teaching ... full review
LYDIA HOOVER certified reviewer August 17, 2021
tagged as: Must See · funny · energetic · Lively · peace corps · Morocco
Azo had infectious energy throughout the show, and her style of narration was smooth and easy to follow. ... full review
TATUM LANGTON certified reviewer August 16, 2021
Azo is such a delight to watch transform from character to character. Her energy lifts you up and carries you through a tender and fun story of her time in the Peace corp and with the Moroccan people. ... full review
JO DELLAPINA certified reviewer August 16, 2021
tagged as: energetic · heartfelt · sweet · funny
Heartfelt, warm, funny, crackling with energy... full review
HOLLY SIDELL certified reviewer August 15, 2021
Azo is a bright spark that lights up the hour with her stories and energy and flawless characters! The show is uplifting and fast-paced and just absolutely adorable. ... full review
MITCHELL FEINSTEIN certified reviewer August 15, 2021
A great depiction of the ups and downs loves and challenges of Azo in Morocco. So many characters, so well crafted and displayed. Loved it.... full review
LIANA HOVHANNESSIAN certified reviewer August 15, 2021
tagged as: Truthful · creative · fun · heartfelt
My general impression of I Heart Maroc was that I was taken on this adventure with Azo. The play throughout had depth and allowed me as an audience member to feel a special connection with not just her, but also the characters.... full review
i heart maroc