The true brilliance and magic of Heather’s story telling is her effortless ability to gently bring the audience into her heart, mind and soul, creating a pathway for them to immediately relate and feel what she is feeling, whether the audience relates with her story or not. The performance played out in such a creative way, keeping me interested at every turn. It was also completely authentic, which I feel is something that can be absent from a lot of live performances. She was so very raw, real and fully exposed. No inhibitions. No “acting.” No holds barred. I felt every emotion she felt, from happy and silly to embarrassed and uncomfortable. From professionally serious to irrevocably gut wrenched. This show/EXPERIENCE literally had/has everything you would ever want from a live performance. Heather Tyson truly touched my soul and made me contemplate a lot about my own life and introduced me to the powerful human being I already am:-)
What I didn't like
Honestly, I just wished it was longer. I would love to see a follow-up or even just what she brings next.
My overall impression
My entire life is now PENDING after this show!
How can I even begin to describe an experience that touched me so deeply and profoundly, in so many ways and for so many reasons? Heather Tyson’s performance in “Title Pending” has been forever imprinted into the depths of my soul. I laughed almost as much as I wept… and I waterfall wept… hard.