SIDE-SPLITTINGLY HILARIOUS! I’m not the biggest fan of clown shows, but I absolutely loved this. Bonnie killed it. I’d recommend it to anyone!...
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The second that Bonnie and I locked eyes over a toilet seat, I knew I was in for a treat. And what a delight it is. Funny, weird, and truly engaging, I laughed so hard, I cried....
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OMG!! What an incredibly gifted and skilled clown Bonnie is! Ya’ll clowning is haaaaard! And Bonnie is seamless and funny! Do not sleep on this show. GO SEE IT! Her show is a must see!...
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Absolutely hilarious!! I laughed from beginning to end. ‘A Terrible Show for Terrible People’ was fantastically terrible! This needs to be on Netflix or some platform so the world can see the talented Bonnie in her element…definitely a show to watch! ...
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This show boasts a fantastic ratio of mystery-building and explosively hilarious payoff. ...
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PATRICK CHAVIS la theatre bites - podcast certified reviewerJune 25, 2022
7.5 out of 10 – Above Average! Click the link below to learn more:
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A bold, fresh, innovative piece of theater that I giggled about all the way home. Bonnie elevates clowning into an art form and delivers a masterclass in both physicality and timing. ...
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