City Girl : My Favorite Jeans

Drama · six 1/2 productions · Ages 21+ · United States of America

family friendly includes nudity one person show world premiere
performance art

It’s all about the city. when young, fun, urban and trendy newly appointed business associate, Paula Gillinghan takes on life in metropolis. She becomes coined the"City Girl" after learning her priorities of being the average girl takes on new responsibilities among Organizational Behavior and her companies Marketing Management department. Paula’s city girl attitude takes art in metropolis to a new height, while reimaging the city with realities for the theme “City Girl”.
The City Girl Brand is a remarkable edition to our production company. My favorite jeans is a casual look at the image of the city from the average Marketing Managers appeal to today’s many city girls and city guy entrants worldwide. Our focus for years has become to incorporate the city girl/ city guy image into use through production aesthetics of theater and film cinematography of metropolitan America.

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran