
The Circle Table

Flat Tire Theatre Company · Ages 13+ · United States of America

world premiere

About the Project

WINNER of the ENCORE! Producers Award
NOMINEE for The Inkwell Playwright’s Promise Award
NOMINEE for the No Room In The Green Room Award
The Circle Table explores several vignettes threading characters and relationships via FaceTime/phone calls and asks: How does digital communication hamper or enhance analog components of life like love, family, depression, self-exploration and fulfillment? This play attempts to find out. A formerly dorky actor reconnects with his high school crush. A friend group’s connection falters when their most thoughtful pal goes to a different college. That thoughtful pal is clinically depressed. An aspiring fashion blogger tries not to bum out her mother. A temporarily long-distance couple flubs FaceTime sex. The border between authenticity and curation blurs as our characters converse, ponder, search.

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Production Team

* Fringe Veteran

the circle table